I totally missed Sebastian’s 2 year ampuversary! It was March 17th (St. Patty’s Day). I have a good excuse though, I promise. My excuse is…HE’S SO NORMAL!!
Yeah he has a limp, and I do enjoy teasing him and asking him if he lost his leg in an epic battle, but other than that…he’s a super friendly, chatty cat (with the occasional lovable bad attitude).
Also, Sebastian had his senior wellness visit a couple days ago. All is well! And he’s just barely a senior. He’ll be 9 this year.

I guess I should answer a question that is probably now being asked, since every person that enters my house asks it: Why are your animals drinking Orange Crush in their fountain? Because if you leave a clear bottle of water out, Sebastian bites a hole in it. No joke. Fortunately it only took one kitchen flood to figure that out.
Anyway, Sebastian sends his love!