Sebastian’s progress has been a little up and down, but it’s been more positive than negative.
Over the weekend he was definitely in pain, though we didn’t immediately realize that was the issue and nearly panicked. On Sunday he refused to eat or get out of bed. Up until then he had no problem taking his antibiotics with his food (made little pill meatballs), but that day I had to force them down his throat. When either of us approached him he wouldn’t acknowledge us at all – eyes closed, staying in bed, no noise – when usually he is much more alert and chatty. And whenever I pet him, he got mad.
I was planning to call the doctor Monday morning, but there was no need. He got right up and demanded breakfast. Loudly. He ate a whole can of wet food but refused the dry food. I guess he’s too good for it now. He was also in a good mood all day. Whew!

Then on Tuesday he refused to eat much again, but was otherwise fine. He was very clearly hungry though, so it was a little confusing. Eventually I got him to eat food out of my hand but he wouldn’t eat out of his dish. My best guess is he is in some way bothered by the e-collar when he is eating. Or he’s a momma’s boy. Who knows!
Today he is in an even better mood. He wants out of the crate bad. Soon, Sebastian, soon!! As much as I hate to see him locked up, it is forcing him to get some rest. You can tell he needs it too. After a little while of being up and moving around, you can just see him getting tired.
More good news – his incision looks AMAZING and his fur is growing back!!

Whoa, you are one good looking kitty, Sebastian! Hope you’re up and hopping around soon – you’ll be ruling the joint. When I had a kitty sister she got wet food and I thought she must be really special cause it was aaaamazing – hold out for it!!
keep on rockin’,
You look wonderful, Sebastian.
Tuck hated the cone of shame too but it really is necessary during the early recovery days…..nothing worse than interrupting the healing process by excessive licking and chewing at sutures.
Keep up the good work….soon you will be out of the crate and “rocking life” on three legs
Linda and Tucker
Sebastian you’re keeping your Momma on her toes! We hope you are eating now and having a good day. Keep on lookin’ good sweetie.
Thanks Rene. The advice everyone provided last night worked beautifully – he loves the chicken baby food! I mixed it up with some of his food and he was willing to eat some (at least enough to make me feel better).